An Untroubled Heart: Finding a Faith That Is Stronger Than All My Fears

Over the past several years, I have had some major struggles with anxiety (more on that in a later post) and when I’m able, I try to submerge myself in postive, fear-fighting words that will stick with me as reminders when I have tough days.

One of the books I’m reading (and really enjoying) is Micca Campbell’s An Untroubled Heart: Finding a Faith That Is Stronger Than All My Fears.

An Untroubled Heart

Micca shares the story of how she and her infant son lost her husband in a tragic accident when she was only 21 years old and how she struggled to overcome her loss, the fear of loneliness and how God helped her to overcome her deepest fears and work towards living a carefree, worry-free life. She explores the anxieties of every woman’s heart from insecurities, to finances, to marital challenges, to raising healthy children.

Her words have really helped me grasp the definition of hope. I love this paragraph in her book and wanted to share it with you… I’ve highlighted these words and remind myself of this verse often, especially when I’m feeling discouraged or hope-less.

Quote about Hope

Hope is the confidence that what God has promised will happen!

I love how the amplified Bible compares ‘assurance’ to a title deed.

Now faith is the assurance (title deed, confirmation) of things hoped for (divinely guaranteed), and the evidence of things not seen [the conviction of their reality—faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by the physical senses].” Hebrews 11:1 AMP

Faith is just believing that we already own it!